Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys
There is in our universe a concept of a metaphysical conservation of energy. Simply getting rid of a task doesn't mean that they energy surrounding that task disappears. Someone is going to have to deal with it. As much as we try to live our routine and plan for the day ahead, annoying disruptions will head our way that interfere with the plans we made for that day to get our work done. Those interruptions and distractions usually come from others making demands on our time for their benefit. We experience them for many reasons. Sometimes is poor planning, on their part, sometimes they are genuine emergencies, sometimes its just laziness on the part of someone else. Sometimes they are important to us and sometimes they are. We have options. Read our latest Perspectives Newsletter for more about what they are and how we can deal with them.
Emotions Can be Contagious
The most vulnerable and impactful part of our ourselves are those emotions. They primarily see only one side of an issue, They make us feel good about ourselves but can also beat us down in the harshest ways. Trying to regulate them can be difficult and left untrained and without control we are susceptible to bad decisions and bad results. Couple that a extremely frightening situation such as an assault we can completely shut down. Read our latest newsletter and consider how emotions are impacting and possibly restricting our defensive growth.
...And Where Do I Start?
Everyone I meet when I tell them, "I teach people how to defend themselves," always make a comment about its relevancy. We all acknowledge that crime seems out of control and we are left frustrated by our lack of options or an option that doesn't feel right for us. This month we try and help answer the question about what type of personal defense is right for you. There is not one universal fit for everyone. Read and ask yourself what training is right for you?
Declaring Our Independence from Fear
Will Rogers once said everybody complains about the weather but no body does anything about it. We think there is a similar analogy to be made about crime in our cities. Criminals have many frozen in fear. The impact of that criminal 1% inflates their perception to where it feels like its at least 50% of our population. Personal defense isn't a commitment to violence its a commitment to learn what is necessary to live freer of fear, and more safely and securely. Read our newsletter to get our take on Securing our Security.
There Is An Order For Our Response to Threats
Our greatest challenge sometimes is to know how to respond and to know what we can respond to. Our Perspectives Newsletter this month explores the relationships between Circles of Control, Circles of Influence and the Circle of Concern that exists in our worlds. Understanding the distinction between them will help us know what options we have and how we can plan for what could be the worst moments of our lives. Personal Defense is something we can do to prepare for those moments.
Everyone Wrestles With Their Emotions
Memphis is just like another city. We may lead in a few categories that we would rather not lead in, but other cities have the same problems. Memphis's problems can't be solved by hiring the right police chief or electing the right politicians...alone. Its going to take the cooperation and collaboration of the citizens of Memphis to make a better community. It begins with us. Here are 5 things we can do to live safer and more securely. Checking our emotions and living on purpose with purpose is a great beginning.
Training for Personal Defense Has Its Benefits
The implication for personal Defense is that someday we may have to act in a way we would prefer not to but if we don't our lives could significantly change. But while we prepare for a negative encounter, there is a positive benefit to that training. As students we go through a transformation that makes into stronger citizens not only physically but mentally, emotionally and morally.
How Does a Good Person Use Violence to Defend Themselves
Most people in society spend their time trying to culltivate good will, form relationships and establish networks that are mutually beneficial. We don't think about what it might take to defend ourselves against those who might want to harm us. The answer for many is that, "I will; just take my chances." For others that's not going to be adequate enough. We want to take a more proactive stance. This edition explores the reality, we call the dark side of personal defense: the use of violence to stop violence. Sometimes violence is a solution and when it is, its the only solution.
Is Violence Ever Justified?
As crime rises around us like an incoming tide, we feel more and more overwhelmed by its increasing presence. In this months issue of Perspectives, we take a look at violence and how it impacts and relates to a non-violent least as it pertains to society at large. How do we place the use of violence in our strategies of self-defense. There's no right or wrong answer, just the answer that makes sense to you. Consider the following. Let us know what you think.
Creating & Shaping Our Security
The first of TRTG's 5 defensive skill sets is Predictive Avoidance. Being able to create and shape a secure environment for us is the easiest and first level of a self-defense strategy. So many bad things happen in our society that are out of our control, we shouldn't be adding to that by creating situations that compromise our security. The latest Issue of Perspectives deals with our ability to foresee our future and making sure our journey through life is the safest we can possibly make it.
We choose how we defend
We read far too often the trauma victims experience after being robbed, physically assaulted or even worse when a loved one has been killed. The mind races back seeking answers on what could we have done or done differently for a different outcome. Sometimes the answer is nothing. Not knowing what to do creates a fearful panic when we suddenly find ourselves in a situation where we don't know what to do or can't control. That's a frightening feeling. When faced with such a situation, compliance is always a good place to start. Compliance is part of a De-escalation skill set. Read about Compliance and De-escalation in this months Perspectives Newsletter.
Its Not The Equipment
In our efforts to feel secure and safe, we sometimes are tempted to take a shortcut and make a purchase of a tool that we feel will protect us. Some buy firearms, some buy knives and some buy pepper spray. Some never even think about and buy nothing. Our capability to defend is not defined by the equipment we choose to buy. Good equipment is a compliment to our skillset, it doesn't describe our skillset. In this issue we discuss the greatest tool that we can possess and every one already carries it around every day. Its our brain, but its not the fact that we have one, but its about learning to develop the capability to think and act appropriately with respect to self-defense. Feel to read and send to others.
Live With Purpose, Live Safe
It sounds like a lot of work...staying safe...Always having to look out for trouble...spotting what might be dangerous...trying to keep track of who might be around us to see if someone is following us or not - Whew! Sounds exhausting doesn't it?. How can we enjoy our lives if we are constantly doing all of that. TRTG just doesn't teach physical responses and techniques., we teach how to identify threats and avoid dangerous situations as well. We offer a methodical, principle based system of creating your personal self-defense strategy and once habitually practiced it becomes second nature to us. When we do that we can operate on two levels: one one level sharpen our awareness and on another go back to enjoying life.
Tis the Season To Be Joyously Watchful
Not only is it the time for family, giving, celebration and festivities, but it is also the time many seek to take advantage of good hearted and unsuspecting people. We have this thing the world knows as southern hospitality but in some situations we refer to it as the Southern Problem - Sometimes we are just too polite and nice. Sometimes we put ourselves at risk thinking we are helping someone, when we are in reality giving someone access to us so they can harm us. Read more about the Southern Problem and what we can do to stay safe in public during this Holiday Season. TRTG wants everyone to have a safe and happy holiday season.
Self-Defense Isn't Just For The Young And Athletic
Whenever you see someone on TV or in the movies fighting bad guys, Its always some exotic, unrealistic, excitingly choreographed "dance." In reality self-defense isn't that glamorous. It can be as simple as not being there when bad things are happening. Its more about the decisions we make and other intangibles, its never the noble romantic Hollywood "fight" that's its portrayed to be. Anyone can Behave Defensively
Fear vs Confidence
Fear can be overwhelming especially a fear when the stakes are so high. How do soldiers, the police, fire fighters, and others whose roles put them in life threatening circumstances. The answer is training. It doesnt reduce the fear but it changes our perspectives on it.
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